The Future Campus Weimar West is starting, join in!

This phase of the Future Campus Weimar West is all about your opinion! What works well in Weimar West? What might be missing? What would you like to change? Where could you use support?

In return for telling us what you think, we have prepared a few exciting events: Come along and tell us what's important to you!

At "Schnitt und Schnack" you can exchange a chat about Weimar West for a haircut. But that's not all: two weeks later, we'll even come directly to you and bring a free pizza to your door in exchange for a chat about the neighborhood! This will be followed by the vision workshop "What are your ideas for a greener Weimar West?" where we can nag and dream together. This phase concludes with the "Spring & Sprich" event. Here you can talk to us about Weimar West while your children have fun on the bouncy castle.

You can find out all about the events and what the Zukunfscampus Weimar West is here!