Who we are

The Stadtverwicklung is a transdisciplinary collective that seeks to realize the vision of a solidarity-based, democratic society even within its own structures. Therefore, for example, we don't have a traditional CEO – the CEOs of our nonprofit company are supervised by our own association, Kollektiv Stadtverwicklung e.V., which was specifically founded for this purpose. The members of the association are employees of the nonprofit – thus, the employees manage their own operation. By applying the principle of the Mietshäuser-Syndikat to a company, we ensure the flattest possible hierarchies.

Foto: Martin Staffa

Unser Team

Line Bernstein
studied architecture and explores ways to involve people with diverse needs in shaping their environment. She translated her vision of a new institution integrating many voices of urban society into Stadtverwicklung. With the optimism that a caring and just city is possible, she designs projects, builds networks, and shapes their structures.

Photo: Martin Staffa
Christiane Werth
is a designer. She not only studied design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar but also actively applies her skills in her environment. She tackles problems decisively and solution-oriented, drawing inspiration from challenges to develop creative concepts. Christiane advocates for solutions to societal challenges to unfold their full potential within an economic approach. In urban development, she also encourages others to take effective action and takes care of organizing project processes and their financial aspects.

Photo: Martin Staffa
Anton Brokow-Loga
is an urban researcher at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. There, he focuses on planning and socio-ecological transformation. In 2019, he joined the Weimar City Council, exposing him to the harsh realities of local politics. Within the Stadtverwicklung team, Anton is a trailblazer who forges connections and then swiftly moves on to the next project.

Photo: Martin Staffa
Lester Malte Pott
is studying Urban Studies for his Bachelor's degree at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. His main interest lies in critical spatial research, and he enjoys developing concepts for resilient spatial development and socio-ecological transformation processes. Stadtverwicklung provides him with a platform to translate theoretical studies into practical application.

Photo: Martin Staffa
Corinna Endreß
is a sociologist who has found her approach to a better life for all through space. Societal crises and social inequalities manifest spatially – creating spatial solutions can improve living conditions, foster hope, and strengthen communities. Cori translates this vision and motivation into concepts and strategies at Stadtverwicklung.

Photo: Martin Staffa
Maren Zünkler
is a communication designer and is studying Urban Studies at Bauhaus University Weimar. With the aim of inspiring more people to engage in shaping their communities and motivating them to actively participate, she puts the topics from her studies into action.

Photo: Martin Staffa

Our Home

The WerkBank Weimar, located at Schubertstraße 10, is a creative hub with 900 square meters of space in the center of Weimar. The building houses many small offices, project rooms, a large co-working area, as well as kitchens, balconies, and a garden for communal use. What makes it special is that the building is collectively owned by its tenants. The WerkBank and its offerings emerged from the community for the community. Therefore, the WerkBank is the perfect place to connect with other people and foster collective creativity. We have taken up residence in two cozy and bright offices here, where we work daily on both old and new concepts.

Interested in learning more about the WerkBank project? Then check out their website: https://werkbank-weimar.de/