For initiatives
Would you like to shape (open) spaces with your initiative and make our living space greener, more social and fairer? Then we will support you. Because civil society is the driving force on the way to a city for all that is oriented towards the common good! You can commission us (for a fee) and gain a reliable project partner in Stadtverwicklung. If you don't have the resources for this at this point, take a look at Zukunftscampus or our Ideenstipendium.

Communication & participation
Good communication is essential to ensure low-threshold access to an open society for all. Ultimately, it is important to get as many people as possible on board on the path to a fairer world and thus join forces to forge change together.
- Tailor-made communication strategies
- Event planning & moderation
- Conception and implementation of target group-specific participation processes
Concept & Strategy
Have you found a room or space for your project, but are wondering how you can actually implement the many ideas in your head? Professional concepts will help you to illustrate your ideas, convince decision-makers and thus make the project more tangible. This is how we can support you:
- utilization concepts
- spatial design
- governance models
- Financing models
- profitability calculations
- Objectives, indicators, effectiveness
Control & Management
We know what it means to organize good project management. It's a full-time job that sometimes simply doesn't have the resources. You can commission us to take on this responsible task with a great deal of experience and expertise.
- Project coordination
Project development & coaching
The first bureaucratic hurdles are likely to appear at the latest when it comes to implementing the first projects. How to calculate the "budget"? How do you best organize yourselves - in a (non-profit) association, a cooperative or a classic limited liability company? We will advise you either on individual appointments or over a longer period of time. Depending on the capacities on both sides. The topics we can support you with range from organizational development, start-up advice and the acquisition of funding to strategic networking and public relations work.
- Consulting
- Networking
- Workshops (e.g. topics such as organizational development)
- Funding
Research & Analysis
Are you sure that more greenery and a new bench on your doorstep will improve the environment and lead to more social interaction, for example? We think so too, but we have to argue cleverly to convince others. This requires sound analyses, scientific standards and one thing above all: listening and lots of discussions with all the people involved.
- Needs analyses
- Feasibility studies
- research projects
- Knowledge transfer