Do you want to implement a project or start-up with a focus on the common good in Weimar and its surroundings? Take advantage of the Ideenstipendium offered by Stadtverwicklung and become part of the future of your city! The Ideenstipendium is aimed at individuals or groups who...
...have ideas with positive social and/or ecological impacts.
...want to implement socially innovative financing/organizational models.
...aim to sustain their common-good-oriented ideas in the long term.
What does the Ideas Scholarship offer to you?
Individual consultations and process support.
In one-on-one consultations, we work together with you to identify your goals and needs, providing continuous support in the development of your project. Drawing upon our knowledge gained from our own experiences in founding ventures and our diverse network, we search for additional content and offerings that can be beneficial to you.
Mentoring circle
Every project is unique – for successful implementation, specific expert knowledge is often needed. That's why we organize a mentoring circle for each scholarship recipient, bringing together suitable industry specialists, experienced professionals, and other individuals with helpful knowledge to the table with you. In addition to immediate content support, valuable contacts are also established.
In regularly occurring workshops, we address topics that are relevant to the participants. We invite experts to contribute, and we benefit from the exchange among each other.
We regularly invite participants to exchange ideas on topics related to the implementation of common-good-oriented projects, enriched by substantive input. Practical information is provided, experiences are shared, and contacts are made.
Usage of premises
We provide you with workspaces and meeting rooms depending on availability.
Initial conversation:
Schedule an introductory meeting with us, and we'll determine if we can offer you a spot in the Ideas Scholarship!
Process planning:
Together, we develop goals and milestones for your project! This way, we create tailored scholarships that can last up to a year.
Process guidance:
We support you during the project period with individual conversations, a mentoring circle, and tailored information.
Community offerings
A spot is reserved for you in our workshops and networking formats.
As a community, we celebrate your success with you!
We've piqued your interest? Then get in touch with us, we look forward to hearing about your idea! info[at]
Kommende Veranstaltungen
24.09.2024 | 10–17Uhr
THAK Sprechtag
Wo? WerkBank, Schubertstraße 10, Projektraum 1.16
Was? Information
Was? Information
Der Sprechtag für (angehende) Kreativschaffende mit der Thüringer Agentur für Kreativwirstchaft
Die Beratung findet im Tandem mit der Stadtverwicklung statt. Vor Ort können wir Expertise einbringen zu den Themen gemeinwohlorientierte Gründungen, Kollektive, Raum- und Stadtgestaltung sowie eine gute regionale Vernetzung.
📍 Einzeltermine (jeweils 60 Minuten)
📍 Individuelle Draufsicht auf die Potenziale deiner Ideen
📍 Impulse und Inspiration zur Entwicklung deines Geschäftsmodells
📍 Konkrete Fragen rund um deine kreative Selbstständigkeit sowie Finanzierungs- und Fördermöglichkeiten
📍 Tipps zu Netzwerkpartner*innen, Verbänden und relevanten Institutionen in Thüringen
26.09.2024 | 14.30–18 Uhr
From Input to Impact: Planning and Implementing Effective Projects
Wo? WerkBank Weimar, Schubertstraße 10, Projektraum 1.16
Was? Workshop
Was? Workshop
From Input to Impact: Planning and Implementing Effective Projects
Community-oriented projects arise from the desire to make a difference. But how can you ensure that a project truly achieves the desired effect? In this workshop, we will discuss various methods to help understand social problems and develop appropriate, effective solutions. You will learn how to target your resources effectively, how to create the desired impact, and how to persuade funding bodies of your project's value.
- Impact Logic: Impact Staircase (Input, Output, Outcome, Impact)
- Understanding the Problem: Problem Tree (Core Problem, Cause, Effect) with Context & Needs Analysis
- Solution Approach: Solution Tree (Goals, Measures), Components for Defining the Project (Resources, Task, Action Radius, Self-Concept); Plausibility Check
Target Audience: Activists, Initiatives, Freelancers, Social Entrepreneurs
Instructor: Corinna Endreß, Sociologist, Stadtverwicklung
Registration: By September 24th at info[at] The number of places is limited to a maximum of 15 participants. Please let us know during registration where you currently stand and what you hope to gain from the workshop. Feel free to bring your projects and project ideas to work on during the workshop.