Zukunftscampus Weimar West

Become part of the future of your city! In Weimar West, approximately 5,000 people live. That's as much as in a small town. So, there are many people in this neighborhood who can make a difference. Weimar West is also particularly beautiful because it has many green spaces and is therefore a great place to live.
We would like to invite all of you to develop ideas together with us for climate protection and the improvement of Weimar West. Your opinions and ideas are important to make our neighborhood even better. The Future Campus is a project that wants to support you in implementing your ideas. We offer funding for projects that contribute to climate protection or beautify the neighborhood. Whether it's about planting flowers, building parking spaces for large bicycles, or other good ideas – we are eager to hear what is important to you!
Additionally, we offer free meetings and assistance to help make your ideas come true. Our goal is for you to feel empowered and actively shape your neighborhood. Let's work together to make Weimar West even more beautiful and livable! Everyone is welcome to participate!

Foto: medien-partner.net / Stefan Eberhardt

We, from the Zukunftscampus Weimar West…

...develop ideas with you.

Can you imagine getting involved in Weimar West? Maybe you see a problem and you're not sure exactly what to do about it. We would like to brainstorm with you about where a new kiosk could be located, what purchases you need in the neighborhood, and where great vegetables could be grown. That's why we want to invite you to our Future Workshop for Weimar West. Maybe you'll go home with an idea that you absolutely want to realize.


Whether you're at the beginning or already in the middle of planning, we meet you where you are. For individual questions, we offer you one-on-one consultation. Our team brings a wealth of experience in project management, project financing, and community-oriented urban development from civil society.


The Future Campus serves as a networking hub for common-good-oriented initiatives with a spatial design ambition. At our Future Initiatives Meetup, you can meet people who are planning similar actions, facing the same challenges, or looking for collaborators. Here, we can exchange ideas and benefit from each other's experiences.

...learn together.

Questions, problems, and ideas can be addressed in workshops. We value regular exchange and firmly believe in the collective intelligence of a group. Building and sharing collective knowledge is our motto. After all, together we are strong!


For words to be followed by actions, projects require financial resources. We develop models such as the "Market of Opportunities" to directly connect funding to common-good-oriented initiatives. This creates direct access to financial resources and enhances the effectiveness of various projects in the urban space.

...shape the city.

Once we've traveled the path together from developing an idea to its implementation, we can proudly claim: We're shaping the city, autonomously, collectively, and collaboratively. We pave the way for new approaches to dealing with good ideas. We advocate for and support a grassroots development of the city.

The process of the Future Campus consists of several steps:


What happens in this phase?
During this phase, we introduce ourselves and present the Future Campus Weimar West. Events include:

February 15, 2024 | 6:00 PM: Information Evening; Introduction of the project

March to May:
Inquire about needs,
develop initial ideas.

What happens in this phase?

We want to gather your opinions about Weimar West. What works well? What might be missing? What would you like to change? Where could you use support? Come by and tell us what matters to you!


Snip and Chat: Exchange a chat about Weimar West for a haircut

April 7, 2024: Chew and Chat: Exchange a chat about Weimar West for a pizza from Pizza Roma 2

Vision Workshop: "What are your ideas for a greener Weimar West?"

Spring & Speak: Exchange ideas with us about Weimar West while your children enjoy the bouncy castle.

Projekte entwickeln

What happens in this phase?
In this phase, projects are developed from your own ideas. You can seek and find team members and work on your ideas.

During the "Festival of Ideas," you present your idea to other people from Weimar West. Here, you can gather feedback and find partners for implementing and further developing your idea.

In various workshops and networking meetings, you can then exchange ideas with other project participants, help each other, or with our support, devise a plan for implementation into reality.

During the "Market of Opportunities," you present what you have developed during this time to the entire neighborhood. Among the submitted projects, neighborhood funds totaling €30,000 will be awarded.


What happens in this phase?
In this phase, it's all about putting the plans into action. Again, we support you in further workshops and networking meetings, and wherever else you have questions.

Eligibility criteria

The Zukunftscampus (exclusively) supports projects that pursue the goals of social and ecological justice.

Social justice means that the participation of different people in the project is promoted and that the implementation of your project benefits not just a few, but as many people in the neighborhood as possible. Cooperation - both with your fellow campaigners and with the urban development team - should be based on respect at eye level. This also means that any form of discrimination (racism, homophobia, queer hostility, etc.) has no place in the Zukunftscampus.

Ecological justice means that the realization of your project promotes climate protection instead of further destroying the environment. The measures should therefore have a positive effect on the preservation of nature and biodiversity, or offer people a place of recreation in harmony with and not at the expense of nature.

In general, we therefore aim to ensure that the projects in the Future Campus and the cooperation for their implementation are

- organized democratically
- designed inclusively
- oriented towards the common good
- and ecologically oriented.

This means that raised beds with seating for everyone in the neighborhood are eligible for funding, but a parking space in front of your own front door and for your own car is not. A forest playground where young and old can have fun is eligible for funding, but a new dog kennel in your own garden is not.

If your idea meets these criteria, we look forward to receiving your application! If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at zukunftscampus@stadtverwicklung.de

Want to join in? Just come by one of our regular meetups or get in touch with us:

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